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next door neighbour中文是什么意思

用"next door neighbour"造句"next door neighbour"怎么读"next door neighbour" in a sentence


  • 隔邻


  • If we know our own people we will know then who is our next door neighbour
  • At intervals a couple would approach the doorway for air , and the haze no longer veiling their features , the demigods resolved themselves into the homely personalities of her own next door neighbours . could trantridge in two or three short hours have metamorphosed itself thus madly
  • Probably he was one of his hangerson but for the matter of that it was merely a question of one preying on his next door neighbour all round , in every deep , so to put it , a deeper depth and for the matter of that if the man in the street chanced to be in the dock himself penal servitude , with or without the option of a fine , would be a very rara avis altogether
    他大概就是揩斯蒂芬的油的家伙之一。说到揩油,此人对左邻右舍无不进行欺诈,越陷越深,可谓更深的深处31 。说起来,街头的这种流浪汉万一站到法庭的被告席上,不管被判以能用或不能用罚款来代替的徒刑,都还算是很难得的32呢。
用"next door neighbour"造句  
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